Doug Ford and Ontario PCs secure OPSWA endorsement

Christine Hogarth and Premier Ford will stand up for families in Etobicoke Lakeshore

Only Doug Ford and Christine Hogarth Will Get It Done

Other parties spend all their time complaining or looking to take us back to the past. Only Doug Ford and the Ontario PCs can get it done for you and your family. The Ontario PCs are the only party with a real plan: Rebuilding Ontario’s economy with more support for small business and investments in the […]

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Bonnie Crombie and the Ontario Liberals Will Cost You

December 2, 2023 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TORONTO – On the occasion of the Ontario Liberals’ leadership announcement, the Ontario PCs released the following statement: “Let’s meet the Ontario Liberals’ latest leader, Bonnie Crombie. She doesn’t get the concerns of everyday people. She drives fancy cars and vacations at her home in the Hamptons. She’s been […]

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Ontario Liberals’ Rhetoric Can’t Hide Their Record in Toronto

September 20, 2023 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TORONTO – Before the Ontario Liberals’ second leadership debate, the Ontario PC Partyreleased the following statement: “In two straight elections, voters have said NO to the Liberals and stripped them of official partystatus. The people of Ontario haven’t forgotten the Liberal record: creating the healthcare crisis, firing1,600 nurses, freezing […]

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